Monday, February 27, 2012

Reformed Education Part II -- An Enlarged Vision for Systema Education Reformada

                In Part I, we provided an overview of the system of education for elementary and secondary school which is the framework for Colegio Americano in Baranquilla and also Apartado and Bogota.   Following the new Colombian Constitution in 1991 it became possible for development of non-Roman Catholic institutions at the university level to be approved.  Reformed University in Baranquilla began operation about 1995 and developed programs in four areas: Theology, Music, International Business and Psychology.  There was always a close relationship between Colegio Americano and Reformed University.  The University obtained property near the Baranquilla Cathedral.  It was also the site of the Presbytery of North Coast and the location of housing for PCUSA accompaniers.
                Of the four areas, the International Business had the greatest appeal from a marketing perspective  Over the life of the University on a separate campus, the Colegio carried a considerable proportion of expenses beyond tuition.  The 125th Anniversary of Colegio provided an opportunity for re-examining the potential of the University.  We had an excellent presentation from the Rose Hernandez, Director of Planning, about the hoped realization of a wholistic program integrating people from almost birth to grave in an education system that will include the values-based Reformed-theology consistent patterns of Christian perspectives and high-quality education. 
                The model provides for entry into the educational system at many points from early childhood, through adolescence, young adulthood and into later life.  At any entry point the curriculum in any area would provide opportunity for introduction of a reformed Christian perspective as applied to the studies undertaken.  As students go into the society, they will take with them the values-oriented and reformed theological perspective and many will seek the same educational opportunities for their children – thus completing a circle.
The Plan involves an elaborate financial plan and goal of beginning this program in January, 2013 with enlarged basic university offerings.  The addition of four academic faculties and additional majors  will include Engineering, Humanities, International Business, and Education.  Development of Library support and recruitment of qualified teachers is being contracted. 
              The time-table for achieving this working model seems quite visionary, and it depends to a large extent on the completion of sale of the downtown campus which is expected to bring  a  good price.  One obstacle is knowledge that city taxes for all the schools and Presbyterian churches in Baranquilla need to be paid before approval of the sale will be given.  The investment of energy and money is required not only by Colegio but also the Presbytery.
A major loan from Colegio to get the new system up and running is supported by the fact that the project includes many advantages for Colegio.  It seemed to us that this system seeks to make the Presbyterian education masterpiece more competitive, but doesn´t do anything to address the stark deficiencies in the other  schools the church offers in Baranquilla.

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